
Vote for your favorite quips

Authenticated users can vote for their favorite quips. The "top" page shows quips ordered by their current vote score. Behind the scenes we use a scoring function that tries to avoid small sample bias.[1]

  1. Login using OAuth with using the "login" link in the navigation bar.
  2. Click the "⬆" or "⬇" links to register your vote.
    • Score changes are not immediately reflected in the current page.
    • Voting requires javscript support in your browser.

Adding quips

Adding quips via IRC

  1. Look for a freenode channel that stashbot is in. Try /whois stashbot to find one or check in ##stashbot.
  2. Type the quip proceded by !bash (eg !bash <bd808> I wasted my whole weekend reading quips.)
    • If you want a multiline quip, use tabs where the newlines should go. You may need to write the quip in a text editor and paste it into your IRC client to do this.
  3. The bot will not ack your submission, but it should show up in search within a minute or so.

Adding quips via web

  1. Login using OAuth with using the "login" link in the navigation bar.
  2. Click the "add quip" link in the navigation bar that becomes visible once you are logged in.
  3. Enter your quip in the form provided and hit the "save" button.