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Batch #3683 by KajenCAT

Targeting Created , last updated .

19 commands, 18 done, 1 maxlag exceeded (export).

Ran in background from to (full history).

maxlag exceeded Andrew Sullivan +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Bertrand Russell +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Christopher Hitchens +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Daniel Radcliffe +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done David Cameron +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Derek Jarman +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Dua Lipa +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Elizabeth Taylor +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Elton John +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done George Michael +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Graham Chapman +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Jeremy Bentham +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Kate Nash +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Lena Headey +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Mark Ashton +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Sheila Jeffreys +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Tom Daley +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics
done Andrew Sullivan +Category:Activistes LGBT anglesos‎, -Category:Activistes LGBT, -Category:Activistes britànics