Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Mal:Brasils herrelandslag i fotball under Sommer-OL 1952 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 22
Adésio Alves Machado (create)
Amaury de Almeida Nóbrega (create)
Antônio da Silva (create)
Arízio Marçal da Cruz (create)
Bené Rangel de Souza (create)
Brasil (edit)
Brasils herrelandslag i fotball (edit)
Carlos Alberto Martins Cavalheiro (create)
Evaristo de Macedo Filho (create)
Humberto Tozzi (create)
I. Linz Caldas (create)
Jansen José Moreira (create)
Larry Pinto de Faria (create)
Marcos Guerra (create)
Mauro Torres Homem Rodrigues (create)
Mílton Pessanha (create)
Newton Cardoso (create)
Paulo de Almeida (create)
Sommer-OL 1952 (edit)
Vassil Vieira Barbosa (create)
Waldir Villas Boas (create)
Édison Campos Martins (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:10:35 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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