Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Arbitri campionato mondiale di calcio 1990 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 7
Alan Snoddy (create)
Campionato mondiale di calcio 1990 (edit)
Carlos Maciel (create)
Elías Jácome (create)
George Smith (arbitro) (create)
Hernán Silva (create)
Marcel van Lagenhove (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 23
Luigi Agnolin (edit)
Tullio Lanese (edit)
Michel Vautrot (edit)
Peter Mikkelsen (edit)
Joël Quiniou (edit)
Kurt Röthlisberger (edit)
Aron Schmidhuber (edit)
José Roberto Wright (edit)
Edgardo Codesal Méndez (edit)
Emilio Soriano Aladrén (edit)
George Courtney (edit)
Helmut Kohl (arbitro) (edit)
Erik Fredriksson (edit)
Jamal Al Sharif (edit)
Juan Carlos Loustau (edit)
Neji Jouini (edit)
Siegfried Kirschen (edit)
Zoran Petrović (arbitro) (edit)
Carlos Silva Valente (edit)
Juan Daniel Cardellino (edit)
Aleksej Spirin (edit)
Vincent Mauro (edit)
Shizuo Takada (edit)

Total: 30
Alan Snoddy (create)
Aleksej Spirin (edit)
Aron Schmidhuber (edit)
Campionato mondiale di calcio 1990 (edit)
Carlos Maciel (create)
Carlos Silva Valente (edit)
Edgardo Codesal Méndez (edit)
Elías Jácome (create)
Emilio Soriano Aladrén (edit)
Erik Fredriksson (edit)
George Courtney (edit)
George Smith (arbitro) (create)
Helmut Kohl (arbitro) (edit)
Hernán Silva (create)
Jamal Al Sharif (edit)
José Roberto Wright (edit)
Joël Quiniou (edit)
Juan Carlos Loustau (edit)
Juan Daniel Cardellino (edit)
Kurt Röthlisberger (edit)
Luigi Agnolin (edit)
Marcel van Lagenhove (create)
Michel Vautrot (edit)
Neji Jouini (edit)
Peter Mikkelsen (edit)
Shizuo Takada (edit)
Siegfried Kirschen (edit)
Tullio Lanese (edit)
Vincent Mauro (edit)
Zoran Petrović (arbitro) (edit)

Generated: Tue, 28 May 2024 07:33:45 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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