Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Brasile calcio a 5 sudamericano 1997 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 3
Commissario tecnico (edit)
Nazionale di calcio a 5 del Brasile (edit)
Taça América 1997 (calcio a 5) (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 13
Paulo Sérgio Lira Goés (edit)
Manoel Tobias (edit)
Paulo Sérgio Baptista (edit)
Vander Iacovino (edit)
Takão (edit)
Luiz Henrique Silveira Couto (edit)
Márcio Brancher (edit)
Waguinho (edit)
Sandrinho (edit)
Danilo Lançoni Lacerda (edit)
Chôco (edit)
Clóvis Simas (edit)
Djacir Franco Cavalcante Júnior (edit)

Total: 16
Chôco (edit)
Clóvis Simas (edit)
Commissario tecnico (edit)
Danilo Lançoni Lacerda (edit)
Djacir Franco Cavalcante Júnior (edit)
Luiz Henrique Silveira Couto (edit)
Manoel Tobias (edit)
Márcio Brancher (edit)
Nazionale di calcio a 5 del Brasile (edit)
Paulo Sérgio Baptista (edit)
Paulo Sérgio Lira Goés (edit)
Sandrinho (edit)
Takão (edit)
Taça América 1997 (calcio a 5) (edit)
Vander Iacovino (edit)
Waguinho (edit)

Generated: Sat, 25 May 2024 16:05:15 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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