Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:CT nazionale cecoslovacca di calcio (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 10
Antonín Lanhaus (create)
Bohumil Musil (create)
Evžen Kraus (create)
Ferdinand Vodička (create)
František Blažej (create)
Jan Přecechtěl (create)
Jiří Pichler (create)
Karel Myška (create)
Václav Jíra (create)
Václav Valoušek (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 25
Nazionale di calcio della Cecoslovacchia (edit)
Josef Masopust (edit)
Ferdinand Daučík (edit)
Václav Ježek (edit)
Jozef Vengloš (edit)
Milan Máčala (edit)
Ladislav Novák (calciatore) (edit)
Rudolf Vytlačil (edit)
Štefan Čambal (edit)
Ladislav Ženíšek (edit)
Karel Petrů (edit)
Ladislav Kačáni (edit)
Josef Meissner (edit)
Karol Borhy (edit)
Karel Kolský (edit)
Jozef Marko (edit)
František Havránek (edit)
Jan Knobloch (edit)
Rudolf Henčl (edit)
Josef Fanta (edit)
Jaroslav Bezecný (edit)
Vlastimil Luka (edit)
Antonín Rýgr (edit)
Josef Tesař (edit)
Alexa Bokšay (edit)

Total: 35
Alexa Bokšay (edit)
Antonín Lanhaus (create)
Antonín Rýgr (edit)
Bohumil Musil (create)
Evžen Kraus (create)
Ferdinand Daučík (edit)
Ferdinand Vodička (create)
František Blažej (create)
František Havránek (edit)
Jan Knobloch (edit)
Jan Přecechtěl (create)
Jaroslav Bezecný (edit)
Jiří Pichler (create)
Josef Fanta (edit)
Josef Masopust (edit)
Josef Meissner (edit)
Josef Tesař (edit)
Jozef Marko (edit)
Jozef Vengloš (edit)
Karel Kolský (edit)
Karel Myška (create)
Karel Petrů (edit)
Karol Borhy (edit)
Ladislav Kačáni (edit)
Ladislav Novák (calciatore) (edit)
Ladislav Ženíšek (edit)
Milan Máčala (edit)
Nazionale di calcio della Cecoslovacchia (edit)
Rudolf Henčl (edit)
Rudolf Vytlačil (edit)
Vlastimil Luka (edit)
Václav Ježek (edit)
Václav Jíra (create)
Václav Valoušek (create)
Štefan Čambal (edit)

Generated: Mon, 27 May 2024 01:51:07 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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