Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:CT nazionale messicana di calcio (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 9
Abel Ramírez Herrera (create)
Adolfo Frías Beltrán (create)
Alberto Guerra (create)
Alfred C. Crowle (create)
Diego Mercado (edit)
Fernando Marcos (create)
José Moncebáez (create)
José de Jesús Ramírez Ruvalcaba (create)
Nazionale di calcio del Messico (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 34
Sven-Göran Eriksson (edit)
Hugo Sánchez (edit)
Ricardo La Volpe (edit)
György Orth (edit)
César Luis Menotti (edit)
Javier Aguirre (edit)
Bora Milutinović (edit)
Árpád Fekete (edit)
Horacio Casarín (edit)
Miguel Mejía Barón (edit)
Manuel Lapuente (edit)
Jaime Lozano (edit)
Gerardo Martino (edit)
José de la Torre (edit)
Gaston Barreau (edit)
José Roca (edit)
Gustavo Peña (edit)
Ignacio Jáuregui (edit)
Ignacio Trelles (edit)
Raúl Cárdenas (edit)
Antonio López Herranz (edit)
Mario Velarde (edit)
Ricardo Ferretti (edit)
Octavio Vial (edit)
Rafael Garza Gutiérrez (edit)
Juan Luque de Serrallonga (edit)
Luis Fernando Tena (edit)
Victor Manuel Vucetich (edit)
Alfonso Rojo de la Vega (edit)
Miguel Herrera (edit)
Juan Carlos Osorio (edit)
Diego Cocca (edit)
Javier de la Torre (edit)
Enrique Meza Enriquez (edit)

Total: 43
Abel Ramírez Herrera (create)
Adolfo Frías Beltrán (create)
Alberto Guerra (create)
Alfonso Rojo de la Vega (edit)
Alfred C. Crowle (create)
Antonio López Herranz (edit)
Bora Milutinović (edit)
César Luis Menotti (edit)
Diego Cocca (edit)
Diego Mercado (edit)
Enrique Meza Enriquez (edit)
Fernando Marcos (create)
Gaston Barreau (edit)
Gerardo Martino (edit)
Gustavo Peña (edit)
György Orth (edit)
Horacio Casarín (edit)
Hugo Sánchez (edit)
Ignacio Jáuregui (edit)
Ignacio Trelles (edit)
Jaime Lozano (edit)
Javier Aguirre (edit)
Javier de la Torre (edit)
José Moncebáez (create)
José Roca (edit)
José de Jesús Ramírez Ruvalcaba (create)
José de la Torre (edit)
Juan Carlos Osorio (edit)
Juan Luque de Serrallonga (edit)
Luis Fernando Tena (edit)
Manuel Lapuente (edit)
Mario Velarde (edit)
Miguel Herrera (edit)
Miguel Mejía Barón (edit)
Nazionale di calcio del Messico (edit)
Octavio Vial (edit)
Rafael Garza Gutiérrez (edit)
Raúl Cárdenas (edit)
Ricardo Ferretti (edit)
Ricardo La Volpe (edit)
Sven-Göran Eriksson (edit)
Victor Manuel Vucetich (edit)
Árpád Fekete (edit)

Generated: Fri, 24 May 2024 06:24:31 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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