Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:CT nazionale rumena di calcio (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 15
Adrian Suciu (create)
Augustin Botescu (create)
Bazil Marian (create)
Colea Vâlcov (create)
Cornel Drăgușin (create)
Florin Halagian (create)
Francisc Rónnay (create)
Gheorghe Ola (create)
Gheorghe Popescu (1919-2001) (create)
Ilie Oană (calciatore) (create)
Liviu Iuga (create)
Nazionale di calcio della Romania (edit)
Silviu Ploeșteanu (create)
Teofil Morariu (create)
Virgil Economu (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 30
Gheorghe Hagi (edit)
Mircea Lucescu (edit)
Cosmin Contra (edit)
Christoph Daum (edit)
Anghel Iordănescu (edit)
Cornel Dinu (edit)
Răzvan Lucescu (edit)
Victor Pițurcă (edit)
Mirel Rădoi (edit)
Ștefan Kovács (edit)
László Bölöni (edit)
Emerich Jenei (edit)
Josef Uridil (edit)
Ion Lăpușneanu (edit)
Petre Steinbach (edit)
Emerich Vogl (edit)
Constantin Rădulescu (edit)
Iuliu Baratky (edit)
Ștefan Dobay (edit)
Alexandru Săvulescu (edit)
Gheorghe Albu (edit)
Coloman Braun-Bogdan (edit)
Angelo Niculescu (edit)
Gheorghe Constantin (edit)
Ștefan Iovan (edit)
Valentin Stănescu (edit)
Mircea Rădulescu (edit)
Constantin Cernăianu (edit)
Constantin Teașcă (edit)
Ilie Oană (edit)

Total: 45
Adrian Suciu (create)
Alexandru Săvulescu (edit)
Angelo Niculescu (edit)
Anghel Iordănescu (edit)
Augustin Botescu (create)
Bazil Marian (create)
Christoph Daum (edit)
Colea Vâlcov (create)
Coloman Braun-Bogdan (edit)
Constantin Cernăianu (edit)
Constantin Rădulescu (edit)
Constantin Teașcă (edit)
Cornel Dinu (edit)
Cornel Drăgușin (create)
Cosmin Contra (edit)
Emerich Jenei (edit)
Emerich Vogl (edit)
Florin Halagian (create)
Francisc Rónnay (create)
Gheorghe Albu (edit)
Gheorghe Constantin (edit)
Gheorghe Hagi (edit)
Gheorghe Ola (create)
Gheorghe Popescu (1919-2001) (create)
Ilie Oană (edit)
Ilie Oană (calciatore) (create)
Ion Lăpușneanu (edit)
Iuliu Baratky (edit)
Josef Uridil (edit)
Liviu Iuga (create)
László Bölöni (edit)
Mircea Lucescu (edit)
Mircea Rădulescu (edit)
Mirel Rădoi (edit)
Nazionale di calcio della Romania (edit)
Petre Steinbach (edit)
Răzvan Lucescu (edit)
Silviu Ploeșteanu (create)
Teofil Morariu (create)
Valentin Stănescu (edit)
Victor Pițurcă (edit)
Virgil Economu (create)
Ștefan Dobay (edit)
Ștefan Iovan (edit)
Ștefan Kovács (edit)

Generated: Sun, 26 May 2024 13:49:41 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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