Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Calcio Avai rosa (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 9
Jádson (edit)
Ademilson (edit)
Giovanni Piccolomo (edit)
Rafael Vaz (edit)
Douglas Friedrich (edit)
Hygor Cléber (edit)
Ronaldo Henrique Ferreira da Silva (edit)
Kevin Peterson dos Santos Silva (edit)
Maurício Garcez (edit)

Total: 18
Alexander (calciatore 1999) (create)
Andrey Felisberto dos Santos (create)
Avaí Futebol Clube (edit)
Eduardo Barroca (edit)
Eduardo Jacinto de Biasi (create)
Fabrício Baiano (edit)
Felipinho (calciatore 2002) (create)
Gabriel Kazu (create)
Gabriel Poveda (create)
Gazão (create)
Giva (calciatore 1999) (create)
Gustavo Santos Simões da Silva (create)
Igor Bohn (create)
Igor da Silva Dutra (create)
Lipe (calciatore) (create)
Pedro Henrique Peçanha de Andrade (create)
Vitinho (calciatore dicembre 2000) (edit)
Wellington Ferreira Nascimento (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 22
Jádson (edit)
Wellington Aparecido Martins (edit)
Ademilson (edit)
Giovanni Piccolomo (edit)
Natanael Batista Pimienta (edit)
William Pottker (edit)
Rafael Vaz (edit)
Jean Cléber (edit)
Gabriel Dias de Oliveira (edit)
Douglas Friedrich (edit)
Tiago Pagnussat (edit)
Hygor Cléber (edit)
Willian Maranhão (edit)
Ronaldo Henrique Ferreira da Silva (edit)
Pedro Castro (edit)
Roberto Rosa (edit)
Alan Costa (edit)
Kevin Peterson dos Santos Silva (edit)
João Vitor Xavier de Almeida (edit)
Rafael Gava (edit)
Thales Oleques (edit)
Maurício Garcez (edit)

Total: 31
Alan Costa (edit)
Alexander (calciatore 1999) (create)
Andrey Felisberto dos Santos (create)
Avaí Futebol Clube (edit)
Eduardo Barroca (edit)
Eduardo Jacinto de Biasi (create)
Fabrício Baiano (edit)
Felipinho (calciatore 2002) (create)
Gabriel Dias de Oliveira (edit)
Gabriel Kazu (create)
Gabriel Poveda (create)
Gazão (create)
Giva (calciatore 1999) (create)
Gustavo Santos Simões da Silva (create)
Igor Bohn (create)
Igor da Silva Dutra (create)
Jean Cléber (edit)
João Vitor Xavier de Almeida (edit)
Lipe (calciatore) (create)
Natanael Batista Pimienta (edit)
Pedro Castro (edit)
Pedro Henrique Peçanha de Andrade (create)
Rafael Gava (edit)
Roberto Rosa (edit)
Thales Oleques (edit)
Tiago Pagnussat (edit)
Vitinho (calciatore dicembre 2000) (edit)
Wellington Aparecido Martins (edit)
Wellington Ferreira Nascimento (create)
William Pottker (edit)
Willian Maranhão (edit)

Generated: Thu, 23 May 2024 02:15:05 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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