Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Calcio Huracan rosa (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 5
Sebastián Battaglia (edit)
Renato Civelli (edit)
Juan Vieyra (edit)
Diego Mendoza (edit)
Diego Pellegrino (edit)

Total: 5
Andrés Roa (edit)
Club Atlético Huracán (edit)
Fernando Tobio (edit)
Frank Kudelka (edit)
Rodrigo Echeverría (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 28
Sebastián Battaglia (edit)
Renato Civelli (edit)
Guillermo Burdisso (edit)
Juan Vieyra (edit)
Ignacio Pussetto (edit)
Diego Mendoza (edit)
Leandro Garate (edit)
Federico Fattori (edit)
Diego Pellegrino (edit)
Hernán De La Fuente (edit)
Héctor Fértoli (edit)
Guillermo Benítez (edit)
Pablo Siles (edit)
Fabio Pereyra (edit)
César Ibáñez (calciatore 1999) (edit)
Sebastián Francisco Ramírez (edit)
Williams Alarcón Cepeda (edit)
Hernán Galíndez (edit)
Alan Soñora (edit)
Rodrigo Cabral (edit)
Franco Alfonso (edit)
Matías Gómez (calciatore 2003) (edit)
Agustín Toledo (edit)
Sebastián Meza (edit)
Marcelo Pérez (edit)
Walter Mazzantti (edit)
Lucas Carrizo (edit)
Lucas Souto (edit)

Total: 28
Agustín Toledo (edit)
Alan Soñora (edit)
Andrés Roa (edit)
Club Atlético Huracán (edit)
César Ibáñez (calciatore 1999) (edit)
Fabio Pereyra (edit)
Federico Fattori (edit)
Fernando Tobio (edit)
Franco Alfonso (edit)
Frank Kudelka (edit)
Guillermo Benítez (edit)
Guillermo Burdisso (edit)
Hernán De La Fuente (edit)
Hernán Galíndez (edit)
Héctor Fértoli (edit)
Ignacio Pussetto (edit)
Leandro Garate (edit)
Lucas Carrizo (edit)
Lucas Souto (edit)
Marcelo Pérez (edit)
Matías Gómez (calciatore 2003) (edit)
Pablo Siles (edit)
Rodrigo Cabral (edit)
Rodrigo Echeverría (edit)
Sebastián Francisco Ramírez (edit)
Sebastián Meza (edit)
Walter Mazzantti (edit)
Williams Alarcón Cepeda (edit)

Generated: Fri, 24 May 2024 21:30:18 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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