Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Cola (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 16
Ben Cola (create)
Canada Dry Cola (create)
Chero-Cola (create)
Double Cola (create)
Faygo (create)
Feichang Cola (create)
Ifri Cola (create)
Just Cola (create)
Milan Cola (create)
Olvi Cola (create)
Primia-cola (create)
Sam's Choice (create)
Shasta Cola (create)
Sugar Cane Cola (create)
Ugarit Cola (create)
Zelal Cola (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 1
Mole-Cola (edit) MoleCola (bibita) (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 47
OpenCola (edit)
Coca-Cola (edit)
Pepsi-Cola (edit)
Spumador (edit)
Virgin Cola (edit)
Afri-Cola (edit)
Corsica Cola (edit)
Breizh Cola (edit)
China Cola (edit)
Cola Turka (edit)
TuKola (edit)
Red Kola (edit)
Barr Cola (edit)
Beuk Cola (edit)
Elsass Cola (edit)
Imazighen Cola (edit)
Inca Kola (edit)
Jolly Cola (edit)
Kofola (edit)
Thums Up (edit)
Kola Real (edit)
Mecca-Cola (edit)
Qibla Cola (edit)
Sinalco (edit)
Vita-Cola (edit)
Zam Zam Cola (edit)
Cola (bevanda) (edit)
Amrat Cola (edit)
Classic Cola (edit)
Campa Cola (edit)
Chek (edit)
Cricket Cola (edit)
Diet Rite (edit)
Frescolita (edit)
Jolt Cola (edit)
Evoca Cola (edit)
R.C. Cola (edit)
One O One (edit)
Red Bull Cola (edit)
Ubuntu Cola (edit)
Isaac Kola (edit)
Tab (cola) (edit)
Kitty Kola (edit)
Cockta (edit)
MoleCola (bibita) (edit)
Bajkal (bevanda) (edit)
Club Cola (edit)

Total: 63
Afri-Cola (edit)
Amrat Cola (edit)
Bajkal (bevanda) (edit)
Barr Cola (edit)
Ben Cola (create)
Beuk Cola (edit)
Breizh Cola (edit)
Campa Cola (edit)
Canada Dry Cola (create)
Chek (edit)
Chero-Cola (create)
China Cola (edit)
Classic Cola (edit)
Club Cola (edit)
Coca-Cola (edit)
Cockta (edit)
Cola (bevanda) (edit)
Cola Turka (edit)
Corsica Cola (edit)
Cricket Cola (edit)
Diet Rite (edit)
Double Cola (create)
Elsass Cola (edit)
Evoca Cola (edit)
Faygo (create)
Feichang Cola (create)
Frescolita (edit)
Ifri Cola (create)
Imazighen Cola (edit)
Inca Kola (edit)
Isaac Kola (edit)
Jolly Cola (edit)
Jolt Cola (edit)
Just Cola (create)
Kitty Kola (edit)
Kofola (edit)
Kola Real (edit)
Mecca-Cola (edit)
Milan Cola (create)
Mole-Cola (edit) MoleCola (bibita) (edit)
Olvi Cola (create)
One O One (edit)
OpenCola (edit)
Pepsi-Cola (edit)
Primia-cola (create)
Qibla Cola (edit)
R.C. Cola (edit)
Red Bull Cola (edit)
Red Kola (edit)
Sam's Choice (create)
Shasta Cola (create)
Sinalco (edit)
Spumador (edit)
Sugar Cane Cola (create)
Tab (cola) (edit)
Thums Up (edit)
TuKola (edit)
Ubuntu Cola (edit)
Ugarit Cola (create)
Virgin Cola (edit)
Vita-Cola (edit)
Zam Zam Cola (edit)
Zelal Cola (create)

Generated: Sun, 02 Jun 2024 12:57:35 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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