Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Corea del Sud maschile Under-20 calcio mondiale 2005 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 9
Ahn Tae-Eun (create)
Baek Seung-Min (create)
Campionato mondiale di calcio Under-20 2005 (edit)
Commissario tecnico (edit)
Hwang Kyu-Hwan (create)
Lee Yo-Han (create)
Park Hee-Chul (create)
Park Jong-Jin (create)
Park Seong-Hwa (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 11
Cha Gi-Suk (edit) Cha Gi-suk (edit)
Jung In-Hwan (edit) Jung In-hwan (edit)
Kim Jin-Kyu (edit) Kim Jin-kyu (edit)
Kim Seung-Yong (edit) Kim Seung-yong (edit)
Lee Gang-Jin (edit) Lee Gang-jin (edit)
Lee Seung-Hyun (edit) Lee Seung-hyun (edit)
Oh Jang-Eun (edit) Oh Jang-eun (edit)
Park Chu-Young (edit) Park Chu-young (edit)
Shin Hyung-Min (edit) Shin Hyung-min (edit)
Shin Young-Rok (edit) Shin Young-rok (edit)
Sim Woo-Yeon (edit) Sim Woo-yeon (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 16
Park Chu-young (edit)
Jung Sung-ryong (edit)
Lee Keun-ho (edit)
Kim Jin-kyu (edit)
Baek Ji-hoon (edit)
Shin Hyung-min (edit)
Lee Gang-jin (edit)
Kim Seung-yong (edit)
Lee Seung-hyun (edit)
Oh Jang-eun (edit)
Nazionale Under-20 di calcio della Corea del Sud (edit)
Shin Young-rok (edit)
Kim Dae-ho (calciatore 1988) (edit)
Jung In-hwan (edit)
Sim Woo-yeon (edit)
Cha Gi-suk (edit)

Total: 25
Ahn Tae-Eun (create)
Baek Ji-hoon (edit)
Baek Seung-Min (create)
Campionato mondiale di calcio Under-20 2005 (edit)
Cha Gi-Suk (edit) Cha Gi-suk (edit)
Commissario tecnico (edit)
Hwang Kyu-Hwan (create)
Jung In-Hwan (edit) Jung In-hwan (edit)
Jung Sung-ryong (edit)
Kim Dae-ho (calciatore 1988) (edit)
Kim Jin-Kyu (edit) Kim Jin-kyu (edit)
Kim Seung-Yong (edit) Kim Seung-yong (edit)
Lee Gang-Jin (edit) Lee Gang-jin (edit)
Lee Keun-ho (edit)
Lee Seung-Hyun (edit) Lee Seung-hyun (edit)
Lee Yo-Han (create)
Nazionale Under-20 di calcio della Corea del Sud (edit)
Oh Jang-Eun (edit) Oh Jang-eun (edit)
Park Chu-Young (edit) Park Chu-young (edit)
Park Hee-Chul (create)
Park Jong-Jin (create)
Park Seong-Hwa (create)
Shin Hyung-Min (edit) Shin Hyung-min (edit)
Shin Young-Rok (edit) Shin Young-rok (edit)
Sim Woo-Yeon (edit) Sim Woo-yeon (edit)

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