Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Distribuzioni Linux (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 67
Linux (edit)
Unix-like (edit)
Linux from Scratch (edit)
Portage (software) (edit)
Morphix (edit)
Linux Standard Base (edit)
Linspire (edit)
Yggdrasil Linux (edit)
Trustix Secure Linux (edit)
QiLinux (edit)
Ebuild (edit)
Softlanding Linux System (edit)
Emerge (software) (edit)
ImpiLinux (edit)
Tomsrtbt (edit)
Edubuntu (edit)
Rxart (edit)
Damn Small Linux (edit)
Slapt-get (edit)
IpCop (edit)
Synaptic (edit)
Eduknoppix (edit)
Tuga (informatica) (edit)
Dreamlinux (edit)
SquashFS (edit)
MEPIS (edit)
Pardus (edit)
Quantian (edit)
Slamd64 (edit)
Foresight Linux (edit)
Conary (edit)
Fluxbuntu (edit)
Maemo (edit)
Linux XP (edit)
Yoper (edit)
Upstart (edit)
Freeduc-CD (edit)
GOS Linux (edit)
Backtrack (informatica) (edit)
Xandros (edit)
Endian Firewall (edit)
Red Flag Linux (edit)
Asianux (edit)
Miracle Linux (edit)
Gentoox (edit)
Ark Linux (edit)
Con Kolivas (edit)
Ubuntu Netbook Edition (edit)
Moblin (edit)
Easy Peasy (edit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (edit)
Ingo Molnar (edit)
MeeGo (edit)
Ututo (edit)
CrunchBang Linux (edit)
Tizen (edit)
BackBox (edit)
Sailfish OS (edit)
Semplice Linux (edit)
IPFire (edit)
Antergos (edit)
Hanthana Linux (edit)
OpenELEC (edit)
Versioni di Android (edit)
PostmarketOS (edit)
Linux Kodachi (edit)
CentOS Stream (edit)

Total: 31
/e/ (sistema operativo) (edit)
ArchLabs (create)
Artix Linux (create)
Asturix (edit)
ClearOS (create)
ColorOS (edit)
DNALinux (create)
EUI (sistema operativo) (create)
Endless OS (create)
FunTouch OS (create)
GeckoLinux (create)
Guix System Distribution (create)
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre (create)
JingOS (create)
KaOS (Linux distribution) (create)
Kongoni (create)
Kwort Linux (create)
LXLE Linux (create)
Lunar Linux (create)
NimbleX (create)
NixOS (create)
Parrot OS (edit)
Porteus (create)
Remix OS (create)
Resurrection Remix OS (create)
Salix OS (create)
TopologiLinux (create)
Ubuntu Budgie (create)
Ubuntu Touch (edit)
Unity Operating System (create)
Uruk GNU/Linux (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 1
DeLi Linux (edit) ConnochaetOS (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 164
Linux (edit)
Gentoo (edit)
Linux (kernel) (edit)
Tux (mascotte) (edit)
Slackware (edit)
Debian (edit)
Red Hat Linux (edit)
Mandriva (sistema operativo) (edit)
Unix-like (edit)
Knoppix (edit)
SUSE Linux (edit)
Arch Linux (edit)
Linux from Scratch (edit)
Portage (software) (edit)
Morphix (edit)
Kubuntu (edit)
Linux Standard Base (edit)
Linspire (edit)
Yggdrasil Linux (edit)
Trustix Secure Linux (edit)
QiLinux (edit)
Xubuntu (edit)
Tails (edit)
Distribuzione Linux (edit)
Ebuild (edit)
Slax (edit)
Softlanding Linux System (edit)
Emerge (software) (edit)
ImpiLinux (edit)
Tomsrtbt (edit)
Fedora (informatica) (edit)
OpenSUSE (edit)
Edubuntu (edit)
Rxart (edit)
Damn Small Linux (edit)
Slapt-get (edit)
IpCop (edit)
Synaptic (edit)
Eduknoppix (edit)
Korora (edit)
Tuga (informatica) (edit)
Dreamlinux (edit)
Austrumi (edit)
ALT Linux (edit)
SquashFS (edit)
MEPIS (edit)
Sabayon Linux (edit)
Pardus (edit)
Quantian (edit)
Slamd64 (edit)
Yellow Dog Linux (edit)
Rocks Cluster Distribution (edit)
Foresight Linux (edit)
Conary (edit)
Zenwalk (edit)
Fluxbuntu (edit)
GNewSense (edit)
Maemo (edit)
CentOS (edit)
Ubuntu (edit)
Ubuntu Studio (edit)
PCLinuxOS (edit)
ConnochaetOS (edit)
Linux XP (edit)
Yoper (edit)
Upstart (edit)
Puppy Linux (edit)
Freeduc-CD (edit)
GOS Linux (edit)
Android (edit)
Backtrack (informatica) (edit)
Xandros (edit)
CRUX Linux (edit)
Linux Mint (edit)
VectorLinux (edit)
Endian Firewall (edit)
Red Flag Linux (edit)
Asianux (edit)
Scientific Linux (edit)
Miracle Linux (edit)
AntiX (edit)
Gentoox (edit)
Ark Linux (edit)
Con Kolivas (edit)
Ubuntu Netbook Edition (edit)
Moblin (edit)
Nova (sistema operativo) (edit)
Easy Peasy (edit)
Chrome OS (edit)
Linpus (edit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (edit)
Trisquel GNU/Linux (edit)
Lubuntu (edit)
Ingo Molnar (edit)
MeeGo (edit)
GoboLinux (edit)
Ututo (edit)
SME Server (edit)
Chakra (sistema operativo) (edit)
Mageia (edit)
CrunchBang Linux (edit)
Tizen (edit)
CyanogenMod (edit)
BackBox (edit)
ArchBang (edit)
Elementary OS (edit)
Sailfish OS (edit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (edit)
Solus (edit)
Kali Linux (edit)
Ubuntu Kylin (edit)
Android-x86 (edit)
Bodhi Linux (edit)
MIUI (edit)
OmniROM (edit)
Replicant (sistema operativo) (edit)
Deepin (edit)
PinguyOS (edit)
SteamOS (edit)
Semplice Linux (edit)
Ubuntu MATE (edit)
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre (edit)
Manjaro Linux (edit)
IPFire (edit)
Zorin OS (edit)
LineageOS (edit)
Fire OS (edit)
ROSA Linux (edit)
Qubes OS (edit)
Astra Linux (edit)
Source Mage (edit)
Calculate Linux (edit)
BLAG Linux and GNU (edit)
SparkyLinux (edit)
Frugalware Linux (edit)
HandyLinux (edit)
Antergos (edit)
Bharat Linux (edit)
SolydXK (edit)
Alpine Linux (edit)
Void Linux (edit)
Hanthana Linux (edit)
Platypux (edit)
MX Linux (edit)
OpenELEC (edit)
Versioni di Android (edit)
Peppermint Linux OS (edit)
EMUI (edit)
One UI (edit)
PostmarketOS (edit)
Devuan (edit)
Pop! OS (edit)
AsteroidOS (edit)
Ubuntu Unity (edit)
Linux Lite (edit)
KDE neon (edit)
AlmaLinux (edit)
Rocky Linux (edit)
Oracle Linux (edit)
Linux Kodachi (edit)
4MLinux (edit)
OpenMandriva Lx (edit)
GrapheneOS (edit)
CentOS Stream (edit)

Total: 128
/e/ (sistema operativo) (edit)
4MLinux (edit)
ALT Linux (edit)
AlmaLinux (edit)
Alpine Linux (edit)
Android (edit)
Android-x86 (edit)
AntiX (edit)
ArchBang (edit)
ArchLabs (create)
Arch Linux (edit)
Artix Linux (create)
AsteroidOS (edit)
Astra Linux (edit)
Asturix (edit)
Austrumi (edit)
BLAG Linux and GNU (edit)
Bharat Linux (edit)
Bodhi Linux (edit)
CRUX Linux (edit)
Calculate Linux (edit)
CentOS (edit)
Chakra (sistema operativo) (edit)
Chrome OS (edit)
ClearOS (create)
ColorOS (edit)
CyanogenMod (edit)
DNALinux (create)
DeLi Linux (edit) ConnochaetOS (edit)
Debian (edit)
Deepin (edit)
Devuan (edit)
Distribuzione Linux (edit)
EMUI (edit)
EUI (sistema operativo) (create)
Elementary OS (edit)
Endless OS (create)
Fedora (informatica) (edit)
Fire OS (edit)
Frugalware Linux (edit)
FunTouch OS (create)
GNewSense (edit)
GeckoLinux (create)
Gentoo (edit)
GoboLinux (edit)
GrapheneOS (edit)
Guix System Distribution (create)
HandyLinux (edit)
Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre (create)
JingOS (create)
KDE neon (edit)
KaOS (Linux distribution) (create)
Kali Linux (edit)
Knoppix (edit)
Kongoni (create)
Korora (edit)
Kubuntu (edit)
Kwort Linux (create)
LXLE Linux (create)
LineageOS (edit)
Linpus (edit)
Linux (kernel) (edit)
Linux Lite (edit)
Linux Mint (edit)
Lubuntu (edit)
Lunar Linux (create)
MIUI (edit)
MX Linux (edit)
Mageia (edit)
Mandriva (sistema operativo) (edit)
Manjaro Linux (edit)
NimbleX (create)
NixOS (create)
Nova (sistema operativo) (edit)
OmniROM (edit)
One UI (edit)
OpenMandriva Lx (edit)
OpenSUSE (edit)
Oracle Linux (edit)
PCLinuxOS (edit)
Parabola GNU/Linux-libre (edit)
Parrot OS (edit)
Peppermint Linux OS (edit)
PinguyOS (edit)
Platypux (edit)
Pop! OS (edit)
Porteus (create)
Puppy Linux (edit)
Qubes OS (edit)
ROSA Linux (edit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (edit)
Red Hat Linux (edit)
Remix OS (create)
Replicant (sistema operativo) (edit)
Resurrection Remix OS (create)
Rocks Cluster Distribution (edit)
Rocky Linux (edit)
SME Server (edit)
SUSE Linux (edit)
Sabayon Linux (edit)
Salix OS (create)
Scientific Linux (edit)
Slackware (edit)
Slax (edit)
Solus (edit)
SolydXK (edit)
Source Mage (edit)
SparkyLinux (edit)
SteamOS (edit)
Tails (edit)
TopologiLinux (create)
Trisquel GNU/Linux (edit)
Tux (mascotte) (edit)
Ubuntu (edit)
Ubuntu Budgie (create)
Ubuntu Kylin (edit)
Ubuntu MATE (edit)
Ubuntu Studio (edit)
Ubuntu Touch (edit)
Ubuntu Unity (edit)
Unity Operating System (create)
Uruk GNU/Linux (create)
VectorLinux (edit)
Void Linux (edit)
Xubuntu (edit)
Yellow Dog Linux (edit)
Zenwalk (edit)
Zorin OS (edit)

Generated: Fri, 31 May 2024 07:29:04 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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