Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Italia rugby a 15 Coppa del Mondo 1991 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 2
Coppa del Mondo di rugby 1991 (edit)
Nazionale di rugby a 15 dell'Italia (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 27
Diego Domínguez (edit)
Carlo Checchinato (edit)
Massimo Cuttitta (edit)
Giambattista Croci (edit)
Stefano Bordon (edit)
Luigi Troiani (edit)
Paolo Vaccari (edit)
Marcello Cuttitta (edit)
Bertrand Fourcade (edit)
Massimo Giovanelli (edit)
Franco Properzi (edit)
Massimo Bonomi (edit)
Roberto Favaro (edit)
Giovanni Grespan (edit)
Ivan Francescato (edit)
Carlo Orlandi (rugbista) (edit)
Stefano Barba (edit)
Alessandro Bottacchiari (edit)
Fabio Gaetaniello (edit)
Francesco Pietrosanti (edit)
Giancarlo Pivetta (edit)
Roberto Saetti (edit)
Edgardo Venturi (edit)
Guido Rossi (rugbista) (edit)
Gianni Zanon (edit)
Antonio Colella (edit)
Daniele Tebaldi (edit)

Total: 29
Alessandro Bottacchiari (edit)
Antonio Colella (edit)
Bertrand Fourcade (edit)
Carlo Checchinato (edit)
Carlo Orlandi (rugbista) (edit)
Coppa del Mondo di rugby 1991 (edit)
Daniele Tebaldi (edit)
Diego Domínguez (edit)
Edgardo Venturi (edit)
Fabio Gaetaniello (edit)
Francesco Pietrosanti (edit)
Franco Properzi (edit)
Giambattista Croci (edit)
Giancarlo Pivetta (edit)
Gianni Zanon (edit)
Giovanni Grespan (edit)
Guido Rossi (rugbista) (edit)
Ivan Francescato (edit)
Luigi Troiani (edit)
Marcello Cuttitta (edit)
Massimo Bonomi (edit)
Massimo Cuttitta (edit)
Massimo Giovanelli (edit)
Nazionale di rugby a 15 dell'Italia (edit)
Paolo Vaccari (edit)
Roberto Favaro (edit)
Roberto Saetti (edit)
Stefano Barba (edit)
Stefano Bordon (edit)

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