Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Osservatorio europeo australe (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 4
Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (edit)
ESO Hotel (edit)
Telescopio Rapid Eye Mount (edit)
The Messenger (rivista scientifica) (edit)

Total: 34
1962 (edit)
1969 (edit)
1970 (edit)
1974 (edit)
1975 (edit)
1987 (edit)
1988 (edit)
1992 (edit)
1993 (edit)
1999 (edit)
2007 (edit)
2017 (edit)
Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR (create)
Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (create)
CRIRES (create)
Cherenkov Telescope Array (edit)
FLAMES (create)
FOcal Reducer-low dispersion Spectrograph (create)
GRAVITY (create)
HARMONI (create)
HAWK-I (create)
Harry van der Laan (astronomo) (create)
Infrared Spectrograph and Array Camera (create)
KMOS (create)
MATISSE (create)
METIS (create)
MICADO (create)
MOONS (create)
Mid-infrared Interferometric instrument (create)
PIONIER (create)
SINFONI (create)
VLTI Commissioning Instrument (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 3
European Extremely Large Telescope (edit) Extremely Large Telescope (edit)
NACO (edit) Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (edit)
Spectro-Polarimetric High-Contrast Exoplanet Research (edit) SPHERE (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 37
Very Large Telescope (edit)
Osservatorio europeo australe (edit)
Riccardo Giacconi (edit)
VLT Survey Telescope (edit)
Osservatorio del Paranal (edit)
Osservatorio di La Silla (edit)
Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (edit)
Extremely Large Telescope (edit)
New Technology Telescope (edit)
Adriaan Blaauw (edit)
Otto Heckmann (edit)
Leonhard Euler Telescope (edit)
HARPS (edit)
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (edit)
VISTA (telescopio) (edit)
VIMOS (edit)
VISIR (spettrometro) (edit)
ExTrA (strumento) (edit)
Telescopio di 3,6 metri dell'ESO (edit)
Telescopio MPG/ESO (edit)
ESO Hotel (edit)
X-shooter (edit)
Telescopio Rapid Eye Mount (edit)
Xavier Barcons (edit)
Tim de Zeeuw (edit)
Catherine Cesarsky (edit)
4MOST (edit)
UVES (edit)
The Messenger (rivista scientifica) (edit)
SPHERE (edit)
Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (edit)
Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph (edit)
NIRPS (edit)
Lodewijk Woltjer (edit)
Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (edit)
Next-Generation Transit Survey (edit)

Total: 67
1962 (edit)
1969 (edit)
1970 (edit)
1974 (edit)
1975 (edit)
1987 (edit)
1988 (edit)
1992 (edit)
1993 (edit)
1999 (edit)
2007 (edit)
2017 (edit)
4MOST (edit)
Adriaan Blaauw (edit)
Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR (create)
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (edit)
Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (create)
CRIRES (create)
Catherine Cesarsky (edit)
Cherenkov Telescope Array (edit)
Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph (edit)
European Extremely Large Telescope (edit) Extremely Large Telescope (edit)
ExTrA (strumento) (edit)
FLAMES (create)
FOcal Reducer-low dispersion Spectrograph (create)
GRAVITY (create)
HARMONI (create)
HARPS (edit)
HAWK-I (create)
Harry van der Laan (astronomo) (create)
Infrared Spectrograph and Array Camera (create)
KMOS (create)
Leonhard Euler Telescope (edit)
Lodewijk Woltjer (edit)
MATISSE (create)
METIS (create)
MICADO (create)
MOONS (create)
Mid-infrared Interferometric instrument (create)
Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (edit)
NACO (edit) Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (edit)
NIRPS (edit)
New Technology Telescope (edit)
Next-Generation Transit Survey (edit)
Osservatorio del Paranal (edit)
Osservatorio di La Silla (edit)
Osservatorio europeo australe (edit)
Otto Heckmann (edit)
PIONIER (create)
Riccardo Giacconi (edit)
SINFONI (create)
Spectro-Polarimetric High-Contrast Exoplanet Research (edit) SPHERE (edit)
Telescopio MPG/ESO (edit)
Telescopio di 3,6 metri dell'ESO (edit)
Tim de Zeeuw (edit)
UVES (edit)
VIMOS (edit)
VISIR (spettrometro) (edit)
VISTA (telescopio) (edit)
VLTI Commissioning Instrument (create)
VLT Survey Telescope (edit)
Very Large Telescope (edit)
X-shooter (edit)
Xavier Barcons (edit)

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