Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Presidenti della Royal Society (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 19
Adrian Smith (statistician) (create)
Charles Montagu, I conte di Halifax (create)
Cyril Wyche (create)
Davies Gilbert (create)
George Parker, II conte di Macclesfield (create)
James Burrow (create)
James Douglas, XIV conte di Morton (create)
James West (antiquario) (create)
John Pringle (fisico) (create)
John Somers, I barone Somers (create)
John Vaughan, III conte di Carbery (create)
John Wrottesley, II barone Wrottesley (create)
Joseph Williamson (politico) (create)
Martin Folkes (create)
Robert May, Barone May di Oxford (create)
Robert Southwell (diplomatico) (create)
Royal Society (edit)
Sir John Hoskyns, II baronetto (create)
William Spottiswoode (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 44
Isaac Newton (edit)
William Thomson, I barone Kelvin (edit)
Humphry Davy (edit)
Joseph John Thomson (edit)
William Parsons (edit)
Ernest Rutherford (edit)
Samuel Pepys (edit)
Christopher Wren (edit)
George Stokes (edit)
Joseph Dalton Hooker (edit)
Frederick Gowland Hopkins (edit)
William Huggins (edit)
Martin Rees (edit)
Joseph Lister (edit)
William Crookes (edit)
Michael Atiyah (edit)
George Porter (edit)
Thomas Henry Huxley (edit)
Edgar Douglas Adrian (edit)
John William Strutt Rayleigh (edit)
Joseph Banks (edit)
Charles Scott Sherrington (edit)
Robert Robinson (chimico) (edit)
George Biddell Airy (edit)
Henry Hallett Dale (edit)
Howard Walter Florey (edit)
Paul Nurse (edit)
Andrew Huxley (edit)
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (edit)
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (edit)
Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (edit)
William Hyde Wollaston (edit)
Alexander Robertus Todd (edit)
Aaron Klug (edit)
Hans Sloane (edit)
William Henry Bragg (edit)
Thomas Herbert, VIII conte di Pembroke (edit)
Augusto Federico di Hannover (edit)
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (edit)
William Brouncker (edit)
Archibald Geikie (edit)
Edward Sabine (edit)
Benjamin Collins Brodie (edit)
Spencer Compton, II marchese di Northampton (edit)

Total: 63
Aaron Klug (edit)
Adrian Smith (statistician) (create)
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (edit)
Alexander Robertus Todd (edit)
Andrew Huxley (edit)
Archibald Geikie (edit)
Augusto Federico di Hannover (edit)
Benjamin Collins Brodie (edit)
Charles Montagu, I conte di Halifax (create)
Charles Scott Sherrington (edit)
Christopher Wren (edit)
Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (edit)
Cyril Wyche (create)
Davies Gilbert (create)
Edgar Douglas Adrian (edit)
Edward Sabine (edit)
Ernest Rutherford (edit)
Frederick Gowland Hopkins (edit)
George Biddell Airy (edit)
George Parker, II conte di Macclesfield (create)
George Porter (edit)
George Stokes (edit)
Hans Sloane (edit)
Henry Hallett Dale (edit)
Howard Walter Florey (edit)
Humphry Davy (edit)
Isaac Newton (edit)
James Burrow (create)
James Douglas, XIV conte di Morton (create)
James West (antiquario) (create)
John Pringle (fisico) (create)
John Somers, I barone Somers (create)
John Vaughan, III conte di Carbery (create)
John William Strutt Rayleigh (edit)
John Wrottesley, II barone Wrottesley (create)
Joseph Banks (edit)
Joseph Dalton Hooker (edit)
Joseph John Thomson (edit)
Joseph Lister (edit)
Joseph Williamson (politico) (create)
Martin Folkes (create)
Martin Rees (edit)
Michael Atiyah (edit)
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (edit)
Paul Nurse (edit)
Robert May, Barone May di Oxford (create)
Robert Robinson (chimico) (edit)
Robert Southwell (diplomatico) (create)
Royal Society (edit)
Samuel Pepys (edit)
Sir John Hoskyns, II baronetto (create)
Spencer Compton, II marchese di Northampton (edit)
Thomas Henry Huxley (edit)
Thomas Herbert, VIII conte di Pembroke (edit)
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (edit)
William Brouncker (edit)
William Crookes (edit)
William Henry Bragg (edit)
William Huggins (edit)
William Hyde Wollaston (edit)
William Parsons (edit)
William Spottiswoode (create)
William Thomson, I barone Kelvin (edit)

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