Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Scientology (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 2
Jason Beghe (edit)
Perché non accada (edit) Pensare Oltre (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 2
Dico no alla Droga (edit) Scientology (edit)
Perché non accada (edit) Pensare Oltre (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 26
Scientology (edit)
Tom Cruise (edit)
John Travolta (edit)
Dianetics (edit)
David Miscavige (edit)
Xenu (edit)
Comitato dei cittadini per i diritti umani (edit)
Allarme Scientology (edit)
Maria Pia Gardini (edit)
Hubbard College of Administration (edit)
L. Ron Hubbard (edit)
Operazione Freakout (edit)
Operazione Biancaneve (edit)
Omosessualità e Scientology (edit)
Association for Better Living and Education (edit)
Applied Scholastics (edit)
Sea Organization (edit)
Ufficio degli affari speciali (edit)
Cult Awareness Network (edit)
E-meter (edit)
Auditing (Scientology) (edit)
Mike Rinder (edit)
Narconon (edit)
R2-45 (edit)
Disconnessione (Scientology) (edit)
Associazione per i diritti umani e la tolleranza onlus (edit)

Total: 29
Allarme Scientology (edit)
Applied Scholastics (edit)
Association for Better Living and Education (edit)
Associazione per i diritti umani e la tolleranza onlus (edit)
Auditing (Scientology) (edit)
Comitato dei cittadini per i diritti umani (edit)
Cult Awareness Network (edit)
David Miscavige (edit)
Dianetics (edit)
Dico no alla Droga (edit) Scientology (edit)
Disconnessione (Scientology) (edit)
E-meter (edit)
Hubbard College of Administration (edit)
Jason Beghe (edit)
John Travolta (edit)
L. Ron Hubbard (edit)
Maria Pia Gardini (edit)
Mike Rinder (edit)
Narconon (edit)
Omosessualità e Scientology (edit)
Operazione Biancaneve (edit)
Operazione Freakout (edit)
Perché non accada (edit) Pensare Oltre (edit)
R2-45 (edit)
Scientology (edit)
Sea Organization (edit)
Tom Cruise (edit)
Ufficio degli affari speciali (edit)
Xenu (edit)

Generated: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 10:48:32 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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