Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Ucraina maschile calcio europeo 2020 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 2
Campionato europeo di calcio 2020 (edit)
Commissario tecnico (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 28
Andrij Ševčenko (edit)
Nazionale di calcio dell'Ucraina (edit)
Andrij Pjatov (edit)
Marlos (edit)
Andrij Jarmolenko (edit)
Taras Stepanenko (edit)
Serhij Kryvcov (edit)
Roman Bezus (edit)
Eduard Sobol' (edit)
Jevhen Makarenko (edit)
Serhij Sydorčuk (edit)
Oleksandr Karavajev (edit)
Ruslan Malinovs'kyj (edit)
Oleksandr Zinčenko (edit)
Mykola Matvijenko (edit)
Viktor Cyhankov (edit)
Oleksandr Zubkov (edit)
Roman Jaremčuk (edit)
Artem Bjesjedin (edit)
Heorhij Buščan (edit)
Mykola Šaparenko (edit)
Artem Dovbyk (edit)
Vitalij Mykolenko (edit)
Denys Popov (edit)
Oleksandr Tymčyk (edit)
Illja Zabarnyj (edit)
Anatolij Trubin (edit)
Heorhij Sudakov (edit)

Total: 30
Anatolij Trubin (edit)
Andrij Jarmolenko (edit)
Andrij Pjatov (edit)
Andrij Ševčenko (edit)
Artem Bjesjedin (edit)
Artem Dovbyk (edit)
Campionato europeo di calcio 2020 (edit)
Commissario tecnico (edit)
Denys Popov (edit)
Eduard Sobol' (edit)
Heorhij Buščan (edit)
Heorhij Sudakov (edit)
Illja Zabarnyj (edit)
Jevhen Makarenko (edit)
Marlos (edit)
Mykola Matvijenko (edit)
Mykola Šaparenko (edit)
Nazionale di calcio dell'Ucraina (edit)
Oleksandr Karavajev (edit)
Oleksandr Tymčyk (edit)
Oleksandr Zinčenko (edit)
Oleksandr Zubkov (edit)
Roman Bezus (edit)
Roman Jaremčuk (edit)
Ruslan Malinovs'kyj (edit)
Serhij Kryvcov (edit)
Serhij Sydorčuk (edit)
Taras Stepanenko (edit)
Viktor Cyhankov (edit)
Vitalij Mykolenko (edit)

Generated: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 21:37:05 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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