Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Calcio Cuiaba rosa (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 6
Armando Gonçalves Teixeira (edit)
Bruno Fabiano Alves (edit)
André Luis (edit)
Mateus Pasinato (edit)
Ramon Ramos Lima (edit)
Max Alves (edit)

Total: 4
Cuiabá Esporte Clube (edit)
Luciano Giménez (create)
Nicolás Quagliata (edit)
Ronald dos Santos Lopes (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 28
Armando Gonçalves Teixeira (edit)
Wellington Silva (edit)
Deyverson (edit)
Filipe Augusto (edit)
Uendel Pereira Gonçalves (edit)
Walter Leandro Capeloza Artune (edit)
Lucas Fernandes (edit)
Jonathan Cafú (edit)
Bruno Fabiano Alves (edit)
Clayson Henrique da Silva Vieira (edit)
Marllon Borges (edit)
Allyson Aires dos Santos (edit)
Alan Empereur (edit)
Lucas Mineiro (edit)
André Luis (edit)
Mateus Pasinato (edit)
Fernando Sobral (edit)
Ramon Ramos Lima (edit)
Derik Lacerda (edit)
Max Alves (edit)
Isidro Pitta (edit)
Raniele (edit)
Matheus Alexandre (edit)
Denilson Alves Borges (edit)
Emerson Negueba (edit)
Mateus da Silva Duarte (edit)
João Carlos Heidemann (edit)
Rikelme (edit)

Total: 26
Alan Empereur (edit)
Allyson Aires dos Santos (edit)
Clayson Henrique da Silva Vieira (edit)
Cuiabá Esporte Clube (edit)
Denilson Alves Borges (edit)
Derik Lacerda (edit)
Deyverson (edit)
Emerson Negueba (edit)
Fernando Sobral (edit)
Filipe Augusto (edit)
Isidro Pitta (edit)
Jonathan Cafú (edit)
João Carlos Heidemann (edit)
Lucas Fernandes (edit)
Lucas Mineiro (edit)
Luciano Giménez (create)
Marllon Borges (edit)
Mateus da Silva Duarte (edit)
Matheus Alexandre (edit)
Nicolás Quagliata (edit)
Raniele (edit)
Rikelme (edit)
Ronald dos Santos Lopes (edit)
Uendel Pereira Gonçalves (edit)
Walter Leandro Capeloza Artune (edit)
Wellington Silva (edit)

Generated: Sat, 18 May 2024 13:21:23 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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