Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Calcio Leganes rosa (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 8
Darko Brašanac (edit)
Francisco Portillo (calciatore 1990) (edit)
Julián Chicco (edit)
Borja López (edit)
Miguel de la Fuente (edit)
Luis Perea Hernández (edit)
Naïs Djouahra (edit)
Aritz Arambarri (edit)

Total: 10
Asier Riesgo (edit)
Club Deportivo Leganés (edit)
Fede Vico (edit)
Josema (edit)
Juan Muñoz (calciatore) (edit)
Kenneth Omeruo (edit)
Piotr Parzyszek (edit)
Riza Durmisi (edit)
Rubén Pardo (edit)
Yacine Qasmi (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 20
Darko Brašanac (edit)
Francisco Portillo (calciatore 1990) (edit)
Allan Nyom (edit)
Jorge Sáenz (edit)
Julián Chicco (edit)
Dani Raba (edit)
Borja López (edit)
Jorge Miramón (edit)
Miguel de la Fuente (edit)
Iker Undabarrena (edit)
Dani Jiménez (edit)
Borja Jiménez (edit)
Yvan Neyou (edit)
Luis Perea Hernández (edit)
Enric Franquesa (edit)
Sergio González Poirrier (edit)
Naïs Djouahra (edit)
Seydouba Cissé (edit)
Aritz Arambarri (edit)
Juan Cruz Díaz Espósito (edit)

Total: 22
Allan Nyom (edit)
Asier Riesgo (edit)
Borja Jiménez (edit)
Club Deportivo Leganés (edit)
Dani Jiménez (edit)
Dani Raba (edit)
Enric Franquesa (edit)
Fede Vico (edit)
Iker Undabarrena (edit)
Jorge Miramón (edit)
Jorge Sáenz (edit)
Josema (edit)
Juan Cruz Díaz Espósito (edit)
Juan Muñoz (calciatore) (edit)
Kenneth Omeruo (edit)
Piotr Parzyszek (edit)
Riza Durmisi (edit)
Rubén Pardo (edit)
Sergio González Poirrier (edit)
Seydouba Cissé (edit)
Yacine Qasmi (edit)
Yvan Neyou (edit)

Generated: Fri, 31 May 2024 10:25:19 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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