Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Calcio Tigres rosa (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 4
Felipe Rodríguez (edit)
Juan Pablo Vigón (edit)
Ozziel Herrera (edit)
Jesús Garza (edit)

Total: 10
Igor Lichnovsky (edit)
Jesús Dueñas (edit)
Jordy Caicedo (edit)
Jorge Torres Nilo (edit)
Luis Alfonso Rodríguez (edit)
Raymundo Fulgencio (edit)
Tigres de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (edit)
Ulises Cardona (edit)
Vladimir Loroña (edit)
Yeferson Soteldo (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 22
André-Pierre Gignac (edit)
Robert Siboldi (edit)
Rafael Carioca (calciatore 1989) (edit)
Diego Reyes (edit)
Guido Pizarro (calciatore) (edit)
Nahuel Guzmán (edit)
Javier Aquino (edit)
Felipe Rodríguez (edit)
Samir Caetano de Souza Santos (edit)
Fernando Gorriarán (edit)
Juan Brunetta (edit)
Diego Lainez Leyva (edit)
Jesús Alberto Angulo (edit)
Sebastián Córdova (edit)
Nicolás Ibáñez (edit)
Luis Enrique Quiñones (edit)
Eduardo Tercero (edit)
Juan Pablo Vigón (edit)
Ozziel Herrera (edit)
Juan José Purata (edit)
Marcelo Flores (edit)
Jesús Garza (edit)

Total: 28
André-Pierre Gignac (edit)
Diego Lainez Leyva (edit)
Diego Reyes (edit)
Eduardo Tercero (edit)
Fernando Gorriarán (edit)
Guido Pizarro (calciatore) (edit)
Igor Lichnovsky (edit)
Javier Aquino (edit)
Jesús Alberto Angulo (edit)
Jesús Dueñas (edit)
Jordy Caicedo (edit)
Jorge Torres Nilo (edit)
Juan Brunetta (edit)
Juan José Purata (edit)
Luis Alfonso Rodríguez (edit)
Luis Enrique Quiñones (edit)
Marcelo Flores (edit)
Nahuel Guzmán (edit)
Nicolás Ibáñez (edit)
Rafael Carioca (calciatore 1989) (edit)
Raymundo Fulgencio (edit)
Robert Siboldi (edit)
Samir Caetano de Souza Santos (edit)
Sebastián Córdova (edit)
Tigres de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (edit)
Ulises Cardona (edit)
Vladimir Loroña (edit)
Yeferson Soteldo (edit)

Generated: Sun, 12 May 2024 20:12:10 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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