Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:奥州街道 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 2
粕壁町 (edit)
房川渡中田関所 (edit)

Total: 98
一戸宿 (create)
一関宿 (create)
七北田宿 (create)
七戸宿 (create)
三厩宿 (create)
三戸宿 (create)
三本木宿 (create)
中山道 (edit)
中田宿 (奥州街道) (create)
中畑新田宿 (create)
久来石宿 (create)
二本松宿 (create)
二本柳宿 (create)
五戸宿 (create)
五稜郭 (edit)
五街道 (edit)
仙台宿 (create)
伝法寺宿 (create)
八丁目宿 (create)
前沢宿 (create)
北杉田宿 (create)
南杉田宿 (create)
古川宿 (create)
吉岡宿 (edit)
国道4号 (edit)
増田宿 (create)
大和久宿 (create)
大河原宿 (create)
大田原宿 (create)
太田川宿 (create)
宮宿 (奥州街道) (create)
宮野宿 (create)
富谷宿 (edit)
小原田宿 (create)
小湊宿 (create)
小田川宿 (create)
山目宿 (create)
岩沼宿 (create)
平舘宿 (create)
斎川宿 (create)
日光街道 (edit)
日出山宿 (create)
日詰郡山宿 (create)
有壁宿 (create)
本宮宿 (create)
東北自動車道 (edit)
東山道 (edit)
東海道 (edit)
松前宿 (create)
根田宿 (create)
桑折宿 (create)
槻木宿 (create)
水沢宿 (create)
江戸 (edit)
沢辺宿 (create)
油川宿 (create)
沼宮内宿 (create)
浅水宿 (create)
渋民宿 (create)
甲州街道 (edit)
白坂宿 (create)
白河宿 (create)
白石宿 (create)
盛岡宿 (create)
矢吹宿 (create)
石鳥谷宿 (create)
福原宿 (create)
福岡宿 (create)
笠石宿 (create)
笹川宿 (create)
箱館宿 (create)
築館宿 (create)
船迫宿 (create)
芦野宿 (create)
花巻宿 (create)
若宮宿 (create)
荒谷宿 (create)
藤島宿 (create)
藤田宿 (create)
貝田宿 (create)
越堀宿 (create)
越河宿 (create)
踏瀬宿 (create)
野内宿 (create)
野辺地宿 (create)
金ヶ崎宿 (create)
金ヶ瀬宿 (create)
金成宿 (create)
金田一宿 (create)
鍋掛宿 (create)
長町宿 (create)
青森宿 (create)
須賀川宿 (create)
馬門宿 (create)
高倉宿 (create)
高清水宿 (create)
鬼柳宿 (create)
黒沢尻宿 (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Thu, 23 May 2024 07:52:45 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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