Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:朝鮮王陵 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 65
ソウル特別市 (edit)
九里市 (edit)
仁陵 (create)
健元陵 (create)
健陵 (create)
元陵 (create)
光海君墓 (create)
光陵 (edit) 国立樹木園 (edit)
南楊州市 (edit)
厚陵 (edit)
咸州郡 (edit)
咸興市 (edit)
坡州市 (edit)
安辺郡 (edit)
安陵 (edit)
宣陵 (edit)
寧越郡 (edit)
寧陵 (edit)
崇陵 (create)
康陵 (create)
弘陵 (create)
徳陵 (create)
徽陵 (create)
恭陵 (edit)
懿陵 (create)
敬陵 (create)
文川市 (edit)
斉陵 (create)
新興郡 (edit)
昌陵 (create)
明陵 (edit)
智陵 (create)
朝鮮孝陵 (create)
朝鮮思陵 (create)
朝鮮恵陵 (create)
朝鮮景陵 (create)
朝鮮永陵 (create)
東九陵 (edit)
楊州市 (edit)
泰陵 (create)
洪陵 (create)
淑陵 (create)
温陵 (create)
燕山君墓 (create)
献陵 (create)
睿陵 (create)
禧陵 (create)
穆陵 (create)
章陵 (create)
綏陵 (create)
翼陵 (create)
英陵 (create)
荘陵 (create)
華城市 (edit)
裕陵 (create)
貞陵 (create)
金浦市 (edit)
長陵 (edit)
開城特別市 (edit)
隆陵 (create)
靖陵 (create)
順陵 (edit)
顕陵 (create)
驪州市 (edit)
高陽市 (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 1
光陵 (edit) 国立樹木園 (edit)


Complete report...

Generated: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 22:06:23 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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