Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:坦尚尼亞國家公園 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 49
Amani Nature Reserve (create)
Barakuni Island (create)
Chome Forest Reserve (create)
Ikorongo Game Reserve (create)
Kazimzumbwi Forest Reserve (create)
Kigosi National Park (create)
Kijereshi Game Reserve (create)
Kimbubu Island (create)
Liparamba Game Reserve (create)
Makatumbi Islands (create)
Maziwi Island (create)
Niororo Island (create)
Pangavini Island (create)
Shungumbili Island (create)
Ulenge Island (create)
Yambe Island (create)
丰古亚斯尼礁 (create)
伊班達-凱瓦國家公園 (create)
倫瓜禁獵區 (create)
坦噶島 (create)
坦噶海洋保護區 (create)
坦噶腔棘魚海洋公園 (create)
坦尚尼亞自然保護區列表 (create)
基魯伊島 (create)
夸勒島 (create)
姆布迪亞島 (create)
姆納西灣-魯伏馬河口海洋公園 (create)
姆韋韋島 (create)
姆龐加-基彭蓋禁獵區 (create)
布里吉-查托國家公園 (create)
斯瓦加-斯瓦加禁獵區 (create)
明齐罗森林保护区 (create)
普谷山森林保護區 (create)
比哈拉穆洛森林保護區 (create)
沙蘭港海洋保護區 (create)
潘德禁獵區 (create)
烏德宗瓦山脈 (edit)
烏旺達禁獵區 (create)
班高約島 (create)
瓊貝島海洋公園 (create)
維金杜森林保護區 (create)
肯杜瓦島 (create)
萊瑟姆島 (create)
视图 (edit)
辛達島 (create)
隆多高原 (edit)
馬菲亞島海洋公園 (create)
馬菲亞群島海洋保護區 (create)
魯曼伊卡-卡拉圭國家公園 (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:34:02 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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