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Wikidata-based Occupation Classification

No guarantees are made that this tool will be maintained.

This is an experimental tool hosted on Toolforge. No additional personal data is collected by this tool per the Cloud Services Terms of Use.

This tool can label a Wikipedia article (or Wikidata item) about a person with one or more high-level occupations by traversing Wikidata's occupation ontology.

The tool uses a Wikidata item's occupation (P106) values, their superclasses (P279), and a manual taxonomy to give a standardized set of occupations.

Because it relies on Wikidata items, it is language-agnostic and works for any Wikipedia article (or Wikidata item). Because it relies on the occupation property, it may have little data to go on for new articles/items .

You can test out the tool below with your own article -- e.g., Toni Morrison (en) -- or leave the title field blank for a random article.