uploads files updates terms and statements ar ast bg bn ca cawiki commonswiki cs da de dewiki el en en-ca en-gb enwiki eo es eswiki et eu euwiki fi fr frwiki gl glwiki he hu hy id io it itwiki ja jawiki ka ko la lfn lt lzh nan nb nl nlwiki nn nowiki oc pl plwiki pt pt-br ro ru ruwiki sk specieswiki sq sr sr-ec sr-el sv tg tg-cyrl th tl tr uk vi vo wuu yue zh zh_classicalwiki zh_yuewiki zh-cn zh-hans zh-hant zh-hk zh-mo zh-my zh-sg zh-tw zhwiki Property:P102 Property:P105 Property:P106 Property:P1103 Property:P127 Property:P131 Property:P137 Property:P1377 Property:P1433 Property:P1476 Property:P1545 Property:P1566 Property:P1619 Property:P17 Property:P171 Property:P18 Property:P180 Property:P1932 Property:P197 Property:P2093 Property:P2096 Property:P21 Property:P225 Property:P2860 Property:P2937 Property:P304 Property:P31 Property:P3151 Property:P3186 Property:P3240 Property:P356 Property:P373 Property:P39 Property:P402 Property:P405 Property:P4100 Property:P433 Property:P4630 Property:P478 Property:P50 Property:P5051 Property:P5055 Property:P5595 Property:P560 Property:P571 Property:P574 Property:P577 Property:P580 Property:P582 Property:P5875 Property:P6018 Property:P625 Property:P685 Property:P698 Property:P734 Property:P735 Property:P768 Property:P81 Property:P830 Property:P842 Property:P846 Property:P850 Property:P921 Property:P932

Tool OpenRefine
Started Aug. 17, 2023, 5:37 a.m.
Ended Aug. 17, 2023, 6:01 a.m.
Duration 0:23:21
Number of edits 678
Edits undone 339
Average size difference +688
Speed 29.0 edits/min
Existing entities edited 0
New entities created 339
Total entities touched 339
Speed 14.5 entities/min



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